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The Shen Mind Connection

Traditional Chinese Medicine looks at things differently and while it may be a little confusing, there is usually some common ground that can be found upon examination and explanation. One such area is the idea of the mind. The mind in Traditional Chinese Medicine is commonly referred to as the shen. continue reading »

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30 Days of ThanksGIVING

A fellow North Shore mom inspired me to make November a month of ThanksGIVING by performing a daily random act of kindness. Help me spread love, light and kindness one small gesture at a time. Perform a random act of kindness, share your act on Northshore Acupuncture’s 30 days of GIVING FB post, and get one entry into a raffle for a free acupuncture treatment with each post (limit one entry per person per day). One winner will be selected for November 1-10th posts; one for 11th-20th; and one for 21st-30th. Need inspiration? 

Here are some ideas:

  1. Call or write a letter to someone thanking them for the impact they’ve had on your life.
  2. Rake leaves for someone.
  3. Take out the garbage for someone.
  4. Volunteer at a homeless shelter.
  5. Volunteer at an animal shelter.
  6. Shop locally for holiday gifts.
  7. Get your coffee or lunch at Curt’s Café instead of a chain restaurant or coffee shop.
  8. Donate cat/dog food, cat litter, old towels/blankets to CARE.
  9. Babysit for a friend.
  10. Drive a veteran to a doctor’s appointment. You can volunteer through the Department of Veterans Affairs Transportation Network.
  11. Volunteer at a local Stand Downs event for veterans(11/16 in Chicago). Stand Downs is typically a 1-3 day event providing supplies and services to homeless Veterans, such as food, shelter, clothing, and health screening.
  12. Send letters of appreciation and/or care packages to troops, first responders and veterans through Operation Gratitude.
  13. Go to a nursing home or senior center and see how you can help provide email, social media, cell phone or video call assistance.
  14. Arrange to pick up coats, gloves, hats from neighbors and deliver to a coat drive.
  15. Review a small business on Facebook, Google or Yelp.
  16. Write a letter/send an email or talk to a manager to acknowledge someone for good service.
  17. Call an old friend.
  18. Pick up garbage along the roadside or in a park.
  19. Volunteer at a Fill a Heart 4 Kids event.
  20. Let someone go in front of you in line.
  21. Give blood.
  22. Spend time getting to know someone you don’t know very well.
  23. Have a food drive in your neighborhood and donate canned goods to local food pantry.
  24. Drop off extra disinfectant wipes and boxes of Kleenex at the teacher’s lounge.
  25. Walk or ride your bike instead of driving somewhere.
  26. Gift an inspirational book.
  27. Leave quarters at the laundromat.
  28. Write a positive comment on a blog or social media post you enjoyed.
  29. Leave a generous tip.
  30. Eat vegetarian for a day.
  31. Give a friendly smile of support/encouragement to a parent whose kid is melting down – tell him/her “You’ve got this or we’ve all been there”. Offer help (not advice).
  32. Leave hand warmers and a thank you note for your mail carrier.
  33. Drop off snacks at the local fire department. (Or grocery store/ice cream shop gift cards to cover the next ice cream run.)
  34. Attend a benefit for a local nonprofit – the dessert gala for the Floured Apron on 11/1, the Taste of the Town benefit for the Zacharias Center on 11/6, or the Tailgating event to benefit the Center for Independent Futures on 11/18, and/or the Champagne Grand Tasting on 11/30 (event cost to benefit Curt’s Café).
  35. Spend a half day helping with laundry at Misericordia or with the holiday baking and shipping.
  36. Let someone merge in front of you on the highway.
  37. Smile and say hello to people you don’t know.
  38. Register to be an organ donor. Sign up for the bone marrow registry.
  39. VOTE!! Offer rides to help others get to the polls on 11/6.
  40. Help with canvassing or phone banks for candidates whom you support. Here are links for Lauren Underwood , Sean Casten. Want to volunteer from home? Help make calls for Dr. Hiral Tipirneni. Any canvassing or phone bank work regardless of candidate counts towards the raffle, but if you want to canvas for their opponents, you’ll have to look it up yourself =)
  41. Check in with someone who experienced a significant loss to see how they are doing. Typically people receive a lot of support in the first few weeks and then support subsides.
  42. Call or text someone when you see/hear something that reminds you of them – a song on the radio, a place you used to go,
  43. Return shopping carts for people at the grocery store.
  44. Put your phone away while spending time with family and friends.
  45. Not screaming at your kids for leaving an empty toilet roll or overflowing the garbage can instead of taking the garbage out.
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Putting My Oxygen Mask on First – Living Your Values

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Martin Luther King

I’m struggling to live my values and beliefs. I say I believe only love and light can drive out hate…but I am having a hard time getting past the hate and anger I feel towards Republican leaders for not holding Trump accountable, for not supporting tighter regulations to prevent gun violence while accepting significant donations from the NRA, for targeting Medicare, Medicaid, insurance coverage while passing tax breaks for the rich, for their handling of the Kavanaugh hearings. This is also challenging my belief that everyone is a good person at heart and wants to do the right thing. continue reading »

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Putting My Oxygen Mask on First – Listen First

If there is one thing I’ve learned as a parent, it’s that telling my kids what to do, think or believe gets consistent results –  NO RESULTS (or worse negative results). It is consistently ignored and leaves me (and my kids) feeling frustrated and drained. And really teens aren’t any different than the rest of us. When was the last time that you did something or changed your view/beliefs based on someone telling you to? continue reading »

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Physical Aspects Related to The Lungs

In the world of Traditional Chinese medicine, the lung is probably the organ whose TCM functions overlap the most with its Western functions. Respiration, the immune system and the skin are all systems heavily influenced by the lung, both in acupuncture and in Western medicine. continue reading »

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Putting My Oxygen Mask on First – Stop Watching the Boob Tube and Play Outside

My mom would always notice when we had spent too much time with electronics  (in my case TV and Atari were the only “electronic” distractions we had), and make us go outside. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been reminded about how good that advice is. continue reading »

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Putting My Oxygen Mask on First – Letting Go of Outcomes

“The Master acts without doing anything and teaches without saying anything. Things arise and she lets them come; things disappear and she lets them go. She has but doesn’t possess, acts but doesn’t expect. When her work is done, she forgets it.” Lao Tzu

There are so many ways I can get attached to outcomes in my day to day life – focusing on whether I can relieve a new client’s pain, whether a date has potential for a long term relationship, whether my kids will get into the “right” college, whether I can achieve the financial goals I’ve set for my practice.  continue reading »

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Mental and Emotional Aspects of the Lungs

mental aspects of lungs - chinese medicine acupuncture

As an acupuncturist, I am constantly assessing. Before my patients answer a single question, I am taking in cues as to what types of imbalances might be going on. In five-element acupuncture, the five major organ systems are the kidney, liver, lung, heart and spleen. When any of these systems are out of balance, certain physical, mental and emotional issues can manifest. Even if you aren’t experiencing a specific health issue, however, you will likely display particular personality traits that fall within these five organ systems. In the five-element world, the lungs are connected to the element of metal. continue reading »

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Herbal Tonics to Reduce Stress

Stress is something that affects everybody. Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional tension or strain resulting from demanding or adverse circumstances. This can result in a multitude of symptoms, including headaches, muscle tension, pain, insomnia, worry, anxiety, depression and even disease. And according to a recent survey, nearly 77 percent of all Americans regularly experience physical or psychological symptoms caused by stress (American Institute of Stress, May 2017). continue reading »

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Five Reasons Acupuncture Helps Reduce Stress

Stress is a word many people are familiar with. The dictionary defines stress in multiple ways, but there is only one that matters when we discuss how stress affects our physical bodies. The definition is this, “stress is a physical, chemical or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension.” And while most people think of stress as being detrimental, it truly does have a function in our bodies. Stress is the body’s way of signaling for help or a break in the routine. If we don’t listen to these signals, we can develop imbalances in our bodies, which can then lead to illnesses. continue reading »

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