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Relief from uterine cramps

“I had been battling uterine / hormonal cramps that were lasting 10 days out of each month.  I had seen multiple physicians, and everyone thought it was just hormones and nothing could be done to alleviate the problem.  I then decided to try acupuncture. After 5 sessions of acupuncture, I was able to get through a cycle with significantly diminished cramping which significantly increased my quality of life.

I love Amy because she is very patient, answers all of my questions and takes great care in explaining every aspect of her treatments. I was happily surprised by my success with acupuncture to date – I had really lost hope that I would be able to alleviate the cramping and I was thrilled to have success.” EM

Mother’s Day 2023 Specials

If your mom has been putting up with stress, pain, anxiety and/or sleep issues, give her/them the gift of health SUPPORTING her/their ability to live full out. 



My clients call these mini-getaways. Experience 30-40 minutes of bliss cocooned in warmth, relaxing sounds and soothing scents – with no one demanding your attention. This treatment is a standard acupuncture treatment focused on relaxation and stress relief.  If your mom would like other issues addressed besides stress relief, the value of the gift card can be used towards the price of a personalized treatment.

Bonus side effects of acupuncture may include:

  1. Improved sleep;
  2. More energy;
  3. Mental clarity;
  4. Reduction in pain;
  5. Sense of calm and well-being;
  6. Confidence in your body’s ability to function “normally”; and,
  7. Acceptance of your body and the “real you”…imperfections and all.


We could always use more love in our life. Give mom a love cupping session! (If heart shaped cupping marks aren’t mom’s thing, traditional circles are available.) Cupping involves placing glass or plastic “cups” on the skin and creating a vacuum by suctioning out the air. Cupping enhances circulation, relieves pain and pulls out toxins from the body’s tissues – plus it looks cool!




Give mom a 25 minute vibrational sound therapy session. The session activates the parasympathetic nervous system to bring the body into deep relaxation, a state conducive to healing itself.

Fall Tune-Up Special – $50

Northshore Acupuncture Center is offering a deal on fall tune-ups which is a group of points that will help make the transition to fall smoother. The cost is only $50 on Tuesday 10/11 & 10/18 between 1-3pm and Wednesday 10/12 & 10/19 between 2-3pm. Call 815.814.1319 or schedule online.

Do you have a cough or sore throat? Have you noticed your skin issues are more aggravated? Have you felt sad or struggled with change? Have you been more constipated? The transition to fall may be to blame. The transition to fall disrupts our lung and large intestine channels which can cause some of those symptoms.

In East Asian medicine, fall is associated with the metal element. This is the season of contraction and moving inwards, of dryness. The Lungs and Large intestine are the organs associated with the metal element. At this time of year, the Lungs and Large Intestine are at their most vulnerable and most likely to be affected by wind, cold and dryness.

The element of metal governs the mind, order, stability and organization. Fall is a great time to organize and let go of things that no longer serve you. Emotionally, fall is associated with sadness and grief. Acupuncture can ease the transition to fall by helping boost your immune system, process sadness and unresolved grief, and let go of things that no longer serve you.

The change in seasons places additional demands on our bodies.  The body can have difficulty adapting to the change leaving us vulnerable physically and mentally, and therefore more likely to get sick.

Acupuncture is recommended at each seasonal change, with a particular emphasis on spring and fall when our bodies have to adapt more dramatically. A seasonal tune up with an acupuncturist can improve overall health by enhancing the body’s immune system to keep illness at bay.  A seasonal treatment can also provide a boost in energy levels, elevated mood and a sense of well-being

A seasonal acupuncture tune up works in much the same way as getting your car serviced. Your body and mind can also benefit from a quick tune up to help you look and feel your best.

Call 815.814.1319 or schedule your tune-up online.

Note: If you would like to address additional issues, you will be charged for a personalized treatment.

Daily Sparks of Joy

My life feels flat!… I don’t have anything to look forward to…I’m struggling to make new friends or meet people…I’m not even sure what brings me joy anymore…My interactions with people are all surface level right now.

We’ve all been there – and these feelings have been amplified by the pandemic. You get busy with your responsibilities and day to day routine, and lose touch with your joy and excitement. You don’t prioritize your own happiness and wellness. You crave adventure, connection, joy, lightness, creativity, and purpose.

Daily Sparks of Joy is a four week group exploration to add joy and excitement back into your life and make some authentic deep connections. Rediscover and reconnect with what lights you up.

What: Four weekly 1 hour group Zoom sessions; 30-60 minutes daily homeplay (Date/time still TBD)

Cost: Suggested total donation for 4 sessions ($60 pay it forward, $40 full-price, $20 ‘tighten belt’, $5-10 hardship). See our fee structure for details about tighten belt vs hardship. All proceeds from the class will go towards funding my Acupuncture with a Side of Activism dream.

Some of the activities/homework will be based on exercises from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. You don’t need the book to participate. If you would like the book, please consider getting a copy from your library or purchasing from one of our local bookstores (Booked, Bookends and Beginnings, Page One, or Semicolon) instead of purchasing it from the Zon or a big box store. Note: there is an anniversary edition that appears to be cheaper.

Don’t continue to put off your happiness. Make time to add some excitement and joy in your life with a community who will cheer you on!

The Disrupted Life Coach

I help people reconnect with what lights them up. 

Living a life filled with excitement and purpose requires you to dive deep to uncover what’s important to you, face what’s holding you back, and learn new ways to show up.

It takes commitment and consistent action.

And…it’s worth it.

We’ve all been there. You get busy with your responsibilities, day to day routine and service to others, and lose touch with your joy and excitement. You don’t prioritize your own happiness and wellness. You crave adventure, connection, joy, lightness, and purpose.

You’re tired of being confined by who others think you are or should be. You are ready to uncover and celebrate your truth, imperfections and beautiful unique weirdness.

Join me for a journey to:

  • rediscover and reconnect with what lights you up,
  • embody your enoughness,
  • and stand boldly in the truth of who you are.

I will guide you on a discovery of what’s really important to you and how to structure your life, relationships and career in alignment with what you find. I will help you navigate the obstacles that prevent you from embodying your truth and embracing the life you want.

The journey begins with a 30-45 minute video chat (Zoom) or in person session. Call Amy at 815-814-1319 to disrupt your status quo.


Why the name Disrupted Life Coach?

My life has been disrupted by death, failed relationships, an insomnia and anxiety inducing work situation, and even a DUI. Through these disruptions, I have discovered what matters to me, learned to be more present for and enjoy the journey, and started to heal. I have also learned how to disrupt my life intentionally and purposefully – to create moments of lightness, deep connection, adventure, joy, presence and purpose.

My life and perspective is also been disrupted as I expand my understanding of US and world history. I continue to expand my awareness of the injustices perpetrated against Black and indigenous people and others who are oppressed because of their race, religion, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, disability or other differences. As I started the process of uncovering and dismantling the imperialist, white supremacist, capitalist and patriarchal culture in my own life and business, I realized how significantly it has impacted my happiness as well – although clearly, not to the same extent as others with less privilege.

Some of the characteristics of white supremacy culture identified by Kenneth Jones and Tema Okun in the Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture including perfectionism, urgency, defensiveness, either/or thinking, conflict avoidance, objectivity, belief in one right away, and individualism have fed my insecurities, limited my perspective of what is possible, prevented me from taking risks, and impacted my ability to connect with others in a deep and meaningful way. In short, they were holding me back from the life I wanted.

I realize it is a lifelong journey to uncover and uproot white supremacy culture from our lives and businesses. I am not perfect; I haven’t “arrived”. I invite your observations of aspects of my business that need to be reviewed or challenged, and ask for your patience as I continue to grow and evolve.

Join me in causing disruption to create a more joy filled, equitable, connected, and compassionate world.


Our Fee Structure

We have updated our fee structure for acupuncture, coaching services and events to reflect the following values and beliefs:

  • Healthcare access should not be limited to those with financial privilege;
  • Oppression impacts who has access to wealth and resources;
  • My clients’ honesty and integrity will guide them to act in the interest of the community as a whole; and,
  • My financial security is important to my well-being and ability to be present when providing services.

We will now be offering four different levels of pricing for acupuncture and coaching services:

The Pay It Forward price is $10-25 above the actual cost of the service and that extra money goes toward supporting future free and low cost services. It’s an opportunity to support your fellow community members while accessing services. I thank you for your investment and consideration.

The Full price is the actual cost of the service. If you have access to financial security, own property or have personal savings, you would not traditionally qualify for sliding scale services. If you are able to pay for “wants” and spend little time worried about securing necessities in your life, you have economic privilege and power in our community. This price is for you.

The Tighten the Belt price is for those who are able to meet their basic needs (housing, food, childcare, healthcare, transportation to work) but have little to no expendable income. Paying for the services may qualify as a sacrifice (having to reduce eating out, Starbucks, or buying new clothes) but it would not create hardship. If you are struggling with debt and/or living paycheck to paycheck but have access to steady income, this is your price. If you can ask family members, partners or friends for financial support, please consider using those personal resources before you use the resources of the sliding scale and limit opportunities for others. Two acupuncture and coaching appointments will be available at this price per week. Please email or text me to let me know if you are scheduling an appointment at this price.

The Hardship price is for those who struggle to meet their basic needs (housing, food, childcare, healthcare, transportation to work) and paying for these services would be a significant hardship. Two acupuncture and coaching sessions will be available at this price per week. Please email or text me to let me know if you are scheduling an appointment at this price. In some instances, the hardship price will still not be accessible. In these cases, I will do my best to provide direction to free or low cost resources including but not limited to playlists on my YouTube channel and Facebook page and resources on my blog. I offer community acupuncture treatments at Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center in Evanston on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month.

Please be mindful that if you purchase services at the lowest end of the scale when you can afford the higher prices, you are limiting access to those who truly need the gift of financial flexibility. Being honest with yourself about your financial situation when engaging with sliding scale practices grows strong and sustainable communities. It also respects the work of providers who have families to support and rent to pay.

Note: I won’t ask to see any proof and rely on your honesty, integrity and compassion when placing yourself on the scale.

This financial structure is based on the work of Alexis J. Cunningfolk of Worts & Cunning Apothecary who also created the image above which illustrates financial privilege and access. Consider reading  The Sliding Scale: A Tool for Economic Justice.

Reclaim Your Sleep (from anywhere)

Is your mind constantly racing at bedtime?  Do you toss and turn all night, and wake up feeling like you haven’t slept at all?  Do you feel like you are walking around in a fog all day?  

You are not alone. Approximately 30-50% of adults in the US have difficulty falling and/or staying asleep, and 10% suffer from chronic insomnia. Lack of sleep can cause you to gain weightkill your sex drive, make you look older, and make it difficult to concentrate at workYou may feel hopeless because you’ve exhausted OTC remedies, sleeping medications, and the standard lifestyle changesYour doctor may have prescribed sleeping pills, but they leave you feeling groggy.

Chinese medicine has answers to this common modern-day challenge, Let me tap into my expertise as a Chinese medicine sleep specialist and certified life coach and the knowledge I’ve gained from working with hundreds of clients with sleep issues to create a personalized plan to help you fall asleep quickly and wake feeling rested.

For the best results, I recommend a series of 5 weekly 30-45 minute Zoom sessions.

Your personalized plan will include simple techniques you can apply immediately to fall asleep more quickly and wake feeling more rested, 1-2 hours of homeplay each week and coaching on successful adoption of manageable lifestyle changes.

Call me at 815-814-1319 or email to schedule a free evaluation.
Note: This program will not address sleep issues related to physical pain, medication or other health issues.

Amy Landolt’s Bio 

Amy is a licensed acupuncturist and certified life coach specializing in sleep. She helps people reclaim their sleep using Chinese medicine, essential oils, supplements, and lifestyle changes. Amy is passionate about finding natural ways to improve sleep because in 2011, insomnia was impacting her work and personal life. Sleeping pills helped her sleep, but left her feeling groggy. She was frustrated that her doctor’s only suggestion was different (and more) pills. It was only after a combination of acupuncture, massage and yoga that she was able to sleep through the night and wake rested and refreshed. 

She learned that she needed to take the lead in managing her health and fully leverage all of the natural ways to address any health challenges, and she loves helping others do the same. 

What other people have to say: 

For about two years now I have been suffering from terrible seasonal allergies. The inability to breathe through my nose left me restless. I would take a cocktail of allergy medications and sleeping aids, but still no luck. After visiting an allergist,I was able to get that issue under control, however the anxiety of sleep and lack of it still haunted me. I was breathing just fine at night, but my mind was constantly racing and anticipating. My body would eventually pass out from exhaustion around 6am and I’d wake around 8amRunning on two hours of restless sleep left me feeling drained, fatigue and moody during the day. I felt like I had tried everything a western doctor would suggest: sleeping tablets, melatonin, setting a bedtime routine, but nothing worked. I told my allergist about this issue and she suggested I try acupuncture by Amy Landolt. 

Amy prescribed a holistic regime of meditation, yoga and herbs. The night after my first appointment I slept the most I had in months. After a month of working with Amy, one-to-two-times a week, I am sleeping more restfully than ever. Along with acupuncture she advised to incorporate yoga and medication which has helped speed up the healing process as well as helped me grow as a person.” P.L. 


“After my first session, I slept from 12:15 until 6:45am. Wow! A full six and ½ hours. I woke up feeling more rested than I have in about six months. Lack of sleep was leaving me feeling fatigued most of the day, every day. It was hard to focus on any project, personal or professional, to see it through to conclusion. Or if I did, it required more time than ever. I know I was more irritable than usual, too. I had tried sleeping apps, lifestyle changes, and cognitive behavioral techniques. After four sessions, I am sleeping 6-7 hours most nights, which I hadn’t for over a year.  

THANK YOU!!! I am now excited to go to bed at night! Often I have a sort of low-level dread as the hour draws nigh! Now I am excited to use my oils, listen to the meditation you suggested, and reclaim my sleep!!!”  M.M. 


“I was having a lot of trouble sleeping, not being able to fall asleep or if I did, couldn’t stay asleep.  It was horrible. After just a few sessions, I’m getting a good night’s rest, which is so important for our brains! I have clarity of thought and I no longer feel like I’m walking around in a fog all day. I appreciated your laid- back, easy going style, and your concern for my comfort and my results.  My husband was surprised that it’s worked!  He’s not necessarily open to new ideas and treatments but was happy that I’ve gotten results.”  C.S. 

No Black Friday Promotions 2021

No Black Friday Promotions

SS_Logo_Clean_BlueNorthshore Acupuncture Center is not offering Black Friday promotions beyond the holiday special offers.

Northern Lights Apothecary said it perfectly:
“As an anti-capitalist business owner, I don’t want to participate in Black Friday. It fosters a sense of greed, of gotta-have-it-all that goes against my ethics. What’s more, mindless consumption contributes to climate change by wasting resources.”
Instead of offering sales and discounts, I am making reparations by contributing 20% of the proceeds from all gift certificate purchases and treatments on Friday, November 26th towards mental health costs for those marginalized people from our community who are most impacted by capitalism.
Call 815.814.1319 or email to purchase gift certificates or schedule a treatment.
Shop small!!

Evanston families – ways to show up for our community/Familias Evanston – Apoyando a nuestra comunidad

Sigue la traducción al español.

Please read for simple ways (cash and no cost) to support members of our Evanston community who are struggling and the owners of Gyros Planet & Taqueria.

Pablo Sanchez and Erika Castro are the owners of Gyros Planet & Taqueria in Evanston.  Over the last seven months, they have been providing 110 free meals to individuals in need daily. The restaurant just opened in March 2019 and the pandemic has really impacted them. Their business income has been reduced by 75% due to the high school, Y.O.U and districts 65 closing. They could really use the support of the community to help them survive this challenge and allow them to continue helping others. Here is a Tribune article from earlier this year about how they are serving.

Ways to Support

The following are some ideas of ways you can support Gyros Planet & Taqueria. Many of us are not in a position to provide financial support right now; if that is the case, please consider supporting via #2, 4 and/or 5. All types of support are needed and appreciated.

  1. If you have money to spend on gifts this year, do some of your holiday shopping at the online auction from Friday, 11/27 – Sunday, 12/6. Auction items include donations from some young Evanston activists as well as local businesses. Proceeds will help Erika and Pablo continue to feed the community.
  2. Share this post and the Facebook and Instagram posts about the auction with your Evanston neighbors, friends and family.
  3. Order lunch from Gyros Planet & Taqueria!  We recommend the jerk tacos. Call 847-868-8112 to order, and have it delivered or pick it up at 1903 Church St  Hours: Monday-Friday, 11am-4pm and Saturday 12-4pm. Post a picture of your lunch on social media and tag them. Write a review on Facebook, Google, and/or Yelp.
  4. Sign up for one of the Taco Tuesday Text Banks in December and January.
  5. Follow Gyros Planet & Taqueria on  Facebook and Instagram. Comment on, like/heart and share their posts.
  6. If you are fortunate enough to be financially secure, please consider contributing to their GoFundMe.

Thanks for supporting one of our favorite local businesses and those they serve!

Friends of Gyros Planet & Taqueria


Los propietarios de Gyros Planet & Taqueria han ayudado mucho a nuestra comunidad en este tiempo de COVID-19.  Pero ahora necesitan nuestro apoyo.  Por favor, lea lo siguiente….


Pablo Sánchez y Erika Castro son los propietarios de Gyros Planet & Taqueria en Evanston.  Durante los últimos siete meses, han estado proporcionando 110 comidas gratuitas a las personas necesitadas diariamente. El restaurante abrió sus puertas en marzo de 2019, pero la pandemia realmente les ha afectado mucho. Sus ingresos comerciales se han reducido en un 75% debido al cierre de las escuelas y Y.O.U. Podrían usar el apoyo de la comunidad para ayudarles a sobrevivir a este desafío y permitirles seguir ayudando a otros. Aquí hay un artículo de ChicagoTribune sobre cómo están sirviendo a la comunidad.

Formas de Apoyar

Las siguientes son algunas ideas de formas en las que puedes apoyar Gyros Planet & Taqueria. Muchos de nosotros no estamos en condiciones de proporcionar apoyo financiero en este momento; si ese es el caso, considere el apoyo a través de #2, 4 y/o 5. Se necesitan y aprecian todo tipo de apoyo.

  1. Si usted tiene dinero para gastar en regalos este año, por favor considerge comprar regalos en la subasta del viernes, 11/27 – domingo, 12/6. Los artículos de subasta incluyen donaciones de algunos jóvenes activistas de Evanston, así como de empresas locales. Los ingresos ayudarán a Erika y Pablo a seguir alimentando a la comunidad.
  2. Comparte este a traves de Facebook e Instagram con tus vecinos, amigos y familiares de Evanston.
  3. ¡Pide el almuerzo de Gyros Planet & Taqueria!  Recomendamos sus tacos de Jerk porque son una receta unica de Pablo. Llame al 847-868-8112 para pedir, y haga que lo entreguen o recójalos en 1903 Church St Hours: de lunes a viernes, de 11 a. m. a 4 p. m. y sábados de 12 a 4 p. m. Publica una foto de tu almuerzo en las redes sociales. Escribe una reseña en  Facebook, Google y/o Yelp.
  4. Regístrese en uno de los Bancos de Texto de Taco Martes en diciembre y enero.
  5. Sigue Gyros Planet & Taqueria en Facebook e Instagram. Comenta que te gusta.
  6. Si tiene la suerte de estar financieramente seguro, considere contribuir a su GoFundMe.

Gracias por apoyar a uno de nuestros negocios locales favoritos y aquellos a los que sirven!

Amigos de Gyros Planet & Taqueria

Northshore Acupuncture Center Land Acknowledgement

Northshore Acupuncture Center acknowledges Indigenous Peoples as the original stewards of the land, and acknowledges the enduring relationship that exists between them and their traditional territories. The land on which we reside is within the territories of the Council of Three Fires, the Potawatomi, Ojibwe and Odawa. This land also served as an important meeting place for Miami, Ho-Chunk, the Menominee, Inoka, Sac, Fox, Peoria and other Tribal nations.

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