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Evanston West End Market – Volunteer Opportunities 2022-2023

Interested in supporting the Evanston West End Market? The West End Market is organized by Donna Walker (Cutting Edge), Gigi Giles (Ebony Barbershop), and Wendy Weaver (C&W Market).


The following are opportunities for volunteers:


1) Distributing postcards to the 2nd and 5th ward neighbors (10/15-10/22) – contact Amy (815) 814-1319 if interested on distributing on your own schedule. We will meet as a group outside Gibbs Morrisson on Sunday 10/16 at 3pm and Wednesday 10/18 at 4pm to distribute postcards in the neighborhood.

2) Hanging posters at local businesses and organizations (10/5-10/10) – contact Amy (815) 814-1319 if able to distribute posters around town

3) Picking up the YOU parking lot on the evening of Friday, 10/21

4) Running a game at the market 10/22 from 11am-4pm

5) Musicians/singers to perform at the market 10/22 for 30 minutes between 11am-4pm

6) Assistance finding sponsors to fund Halloween activities.



  1. Managing the promotion and social media for the market
  2. Managing the vendor recruitment and relationship with our young entrepreneurs
  3. Managing the vendor recruitment and relationship with our “seasoned” entrepreneurs


Please reach out to Amy at 815.814.1319 for more information or to communicate your interest.

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