If you overeat:
1) Choose room temperature or warm drinks instead of iced beverages. Your stomach already has its work cut out for it; don’t make it waste energy warming up your drinks.
2) Drink ginger or peppermint tea to aid in digestion. Ginger also eases indigestion, gas, and bloating – common side effects of too much Super Bowl celebration.
3) Apply acupressure to ST36 and SP6, two points that will support your digestive system. ST36 is located four finger widths down from the bottom of your knee cap, along the outer boundary of your shin bone.

SP6 is located on the inside of your leg, four finger widths above your ankle behind the bone. Warning: do not stimulate SP6 if you are pregnant.
4) Rub Essential Oils on your stomach clockwise around your navel 10 times. I recommend using a Digestive Blend, Ginger, Fennel, or Peppermint. Extra bonus points if you can pat your head at the same time. Even without the Essential Oils, a tummy rub can help.
5) If tips 1-4 aren’t enough, use my online scheduler or call 815.814.1319 to set up an appointment with me on Monday to pick up herbs and an acupuncture treatment to get your digestive system back on track.