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Connecting to the Community: Kesia

13517535_10104129293938767_10954638384628384_oOne key part of your health is your connection to your community. And one way to connect with your community is to get involved and give back. Each Saturday, we feature different ways members of the Northshore Acupuncture Center community are rolling up their sleeves and giving back.

This week we are featuring Kesia’s work with Feed My Starving Children, a non-profit that provides nutritionally complete meals specifically formulated for malnourished children. Donations fund the meal ingredients. Volunteers hand-pack the meals. Meals are donated to FMSC food partners around the world, where kids are fed and lives are saved!

You can get your whole family (ages 5+) involved by volunteering at an event near you, hosting and organizing a packing event, and/or donating to help fund more meals.

Your immediate financial support is needed to pack and ship more urgently needed meals to FMSC’s partners in the path of Hurricane Matthew.

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