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Fewer chiro adjustments needed for back

“I have chronic back pain and have been going to the chiropractor for about 20 years. Recently I felt like the chiropractic adjustments were not helping alleviate the pain I had been feeling.

I am very active and it is not uncommon for me to have some type of dull back pain every day. After a couple of acupuncture visits I do not have the constant dull pain I regularly felt. For me acupuncture compliments the chiropractor and it has helped me extend the length of time between back adjustments without any suffering. I think that acupuncture has improved how I feel in general on a day-to-day basis in a way that chiropractor adjustments have not been able to do.

I feel very comfortable with Amy and I trust her knowledge and skills. I am afraid of needles and I was surprised by how painless and relaxing acupuncture is. I was not sure what to expect so I have been pleasantly surprised by the results and the fact that they are long-lasting. I have not had to go to the chiropractor anywhere near as often as before.” Carrie L.

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