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Schedule Spring Treatment for $50

hawthorn-01-300x225.jpgThe Northshore Acupuncture Center is offering $50 Spring Tune-Up treatments on Wednesday 3/23 & 4/6 and Friday 3/25 & 4/8 between 12-3pm.

Have you felt particularly stressed recently? Do you get more frustrated easily? Do your muscles and joints feel tense? Have you noticed that your eyes are more tired and dry? The transition to spring may be to blame.

The change in seasons places additional demands on our bodies.  The body can have difficulty adapting to the change leaving us vulnerable physically and mentally, and therefore more likely to get sick or depressed.

Acupuncture is recommended at each seasonal change, with a particular emphasis on spring and fall when our bodies have to adapt more dramatically. A seasonal tune up with an acupuncturist can improve overall health by enhancing the body’s immune system to keep illness at bay.  A seasonal treatment can also provide a boost in energy levels, elevated mood and a sense of wellbeing

During the transition to spring we are more vulnerable to stress; we are likely to feel more irritable or frustrated; we may notice more stiffness or tightness in our muscles and tendons. We may also experience more digestive and eye problems. I’ve noticed my upper back have been more tight over the past two days, and I have been more irritable.

A seasonal acupuncture tune up works in much the same way as getting your car serviced. Your body and mind can also benefit from a quick tune up to help you look and feel your best. In addition to smoothing the seasonal change to spring, an acupuncturist can notice patterns based on minor symptoms and address them before they become a more serious problem.

The Northshore Acupuncture Center is offering $50 Spring Tune-Up treatments on Wednesday 3/23 & 4/6 and Friday 3/25 & 4/8 between 12-3pm. Call 815.814.1319 or schedule your tune-up online. We have also partnered with North Branch Yoga to offer a Spring Cleanse restorative yoga with acupuncture class at 6pm on Saturday, April 16th. Pre-register at

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