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Open for business (virtually)

Don’t let your health challenges or aches and pains get worse while we are on shut down. I am available to help you!!

Someday I’ll design a bodysuit that I can communicate with remotely and have it needle specific points based on my direction. But as of now, I haven’t done that. I could create tiny voodoo dolls of each of you, and perform acupuncture that way.

But I think I’ll be able to help you the most with personalized treatment plans.

Your personalized treatment plan will be specific for your condition including some combination of:

1) “traditional” acupressure including what points, how to locate them, how to apply pressure, whether to use magnets (magnets can be ordered online for delivery);

2) auricular treatment using ear seeds or magnets;

3) recommendations for foods, teas and herbs/spices based on their Chinese medicine properties;

4) suggestions for essential oils to diffuse or apply to acupressure points;

5) coaching on how to perform cupping and/or guasha (tools can be ordered tor delivery);

6) extensive lifestyle recommendations that you won’t find from a preliminary Google search – things like humming exercises for seasonal allergies/immune system boost, details on the 5 pillars of my Get Some Shut Eye method, hara abdominal massage for digestive issues, breathing exercises for stress management, guidance on living as an empath, and connections to numerous resources. You know I’m always learning something new or connecting with a new expert.

Are you unsure whether I can help you? Give me a call at 815.814.1319, and we can discuss what types of assistance I can provide virtually.

My online schedule has been updated so you can schedule virtual sessions now.

You are also welcome to call or text me at 815.814.1319 to schedule.

Stay healthy!

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