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Cyber Monday Sale 2016

cyber-monday-fbThis holiday season give an EXPERIENCE instead of more things. Research shows that people who spent money on experiences instead of things were happier and felt their money was better spent. Give someone you love who has been putting up with pain, anxiety and/or sleep issues the gift of their health SUPPORTING their ability to live full out.


Bonus side effects may include:

  1. Improved sleep;
  2. More energy;
  3. Mental clarity;
  4. Reduction in pain;
  5. Sense of calm and well-being;
  6. Confidence in your body’s ability to function “normally”; and,
  7. Acceptance of your body and the “real you”…imperfections and all.

Purchase a gift certificate for acupuncture, cupping and/or essential oil treatment for 20% off the regular price for one day only. Sale ends at 12pm central time on Monday, 11/28/16. To purchase, send an email to with a phone number for us to call to get your credit card information or call 815.814.1319. Limited to 5 gift certificates per client.

*We may not return your call until Tuesday or Wednesday, but you will still be eligible for the sale if you emailed or called on 11/28.

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