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Connecting to the community: Kelly

14067542_1197801150240918_1872038686742627361_nOne key part of your health is your connection to your community. An14079677_1197801180240915_9071705856111122667_nd one way to connect with your community is to get involved and give back. Each Saturday, we feature different ways members of the Northshore Acupuncture Center community are rolling up their sleeves and giving back.

Kelly’s company Everlights volunteers as a group to cook and serve meals at Hilda’s Place, a transitional homeless shelter, in Evanston. Volunteering is a great bonding activity for co-workers, teams, clubs, and families. You can sign up through the Connections for the Homeless.

Connections for the Homeless, which operates the transitional homeless shelter in Evanston called Hilda’s Place, is hoping to raise an additional $500,000 this year to supplement uncertain government revenues.14022190_1197801236907576_7316420009118090061_n


The agency is sponsoring a luncheon Tuesday (9/27) at the Woman’s Club of Evanston, 1702 Chicago Ave., featuring remarks by H. Luke Shaefer, co-author of $2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America, followed by a panel discussion on homelessness.

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