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Connecting to the Community – Holiday Opportunities

misercordiaOne key part of your health is your connection to your community. And one way to connect with your community is to get involved and give back. Each Saturday, we feature different ways members of the Northshore Acupuncture Center community are rolling up their sleeves and giving back. This week we are featuring ways to get involved over the holidays.One of our traditions is to sign up to bake and package Christmas cookie orders at Misiercordia Home. There are still volunteer hours available!

You can wrap presents at Barnes & Noble on December 16th as part of a nationwide awareness and fundraiser campaign through the National Inclusion Project.

You can help deliver gifts to area seniors for the Center of Concern.

You can host a Holiday Celebration and serve a meal at Sarah’s Circle daytime support center.

You can purchase a gift for a child through the Salvation Army‘s Virtual Angel Tree. You can view and select Angel tags online, shop from home, and even ship Christmas toys directly to The Salvation Army center close to you. Anyone can be part of the new Virtual Angel Tree Program – just go to The Salvation Army closest to you or call 773-205-3516 or email You can also register to ring the Salvation Army bell.

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