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Back to summer bike rides

“Yesterday I went for a 10-mile bike ride and today I went for a 16.5-mile ride! I haven’t been able to do that for months, and I totally credit the acupuncture!
Before I tried acupuncture, chronic lower back pain was keeping me from being able to exercise at the level and frequency that I’ve done for many years. I tried physical therapy for almost a year, and it would give me temporary relief, but the pain always came back, limiting what I could do.
Since the treatments, I am able to do more in my kickboxing classes—moving and kicking more easily, without pain or fear of my chronic lower back pain flaring up. In addition, when I first got up in the mornings I was usually very stiff, and that has lessened dramatically.
Amy just has such a calming manner, and is professional and knowledgeable about so many different methods of treatment. I immediately felt at ease and had total confidence in her diagnosis and recommendation for treatments. Amy is also a very compassionate person. And I love the soothing vibe of the office.

I had high expectations and Northshore Acupuncture met them! I am very happy to be able to restart the exercising that is so important for my physical and mental well-being. ” Sarah B.
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