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Relief from constant pain in shoulder blade

“The main reason to try acupuncture was a constant pain in my left shoulder that radiated from my shoulder blade down my arm.  The pain was strong enough to wake me from sleeping several times.  I had gone to see an orthopedic physician who dismissed it as tendonitis without doing a thorough examination and sent me to do some physical therapy.  Needless to say, the pain didn’t improve much and never went away.
While not 100% improved, the pain is significantly better.  I have enough confidence in my shoulder now that I can start working out again.  Pain does not interfere with sleep anymore.  The cupping therapy and TENS therapy also helped.
I had a pleasant experience with each treatment experience I went to.  Amy answered my questions when I had them. She was friendly and unpretentious.
I was not surprised by the fact that found some relief from the pain from acupuncture since there are a lot of testimonials that one can find online, but I am surprised at how much significant improvement I actually received for myself!”  M Kim
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