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Putting My Oxygen Mask on First – Morning Routine

What is your morning routine? Do you hit the snooze button several times before dragging out of bed? Do you check Facebook first thing and get sucked into the latest drama and news?

I’ve found that I am my happiest when I start my day taking care of me. My goal is to take care of my mind, body and spirit each day. I start and end each day by thinking of 3-5 things for which I’m grateful. I take care of my body with a CrossFit  WOD or a walk by the lake. I’ve recently added listening to a YouTube video or a book on my way to the lake or CrossFit.

I’ve been trying to add my meditation into my morning schedule because it helps me start my day right, and I’m less likely to do it if I put it off for later in the day.

I’m also upping my game by reviewing my goals daily, and reviewing one action I’m taking during the day to make progress on each of those goals. What tips do you have for setting the stage for a great day?

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