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Putting My Oxygen Mask on First – Consistency

Do you have any healthy habits that you struggle with doing consistently?

I’m not very good at taking my supplements – sometimes I remember, but just don’t feel like taking them. However, I have been consistent about going to Crossfit at least 3 times/week for years. It takes significantly more effort to drive 15-20 minutes each way and do an intense workout, so why the difference? I reflected on that, and believe it is because I’ve connected to the way that I FEEL when I’m at Crossfit and afterwards – I feel  STRONG, HEALTHY, CONNECTED to others, less stressed and INSPIRED.

I’ve started being more mindful when I take my supplements – and taking an extra second to reflect on how I FEEL when I have more ENERGY, fewer aches, and CLARITY of thought. And guess what, I haven’t skipped taking my supplements since. What healthy behavior do you want to start doing consistently? And how will you connect to how those healthy behaviors make you FEEL?

Let me know! Join me for Putting My Oxygen Mask on First on FB live on the Northshore Acupuncture Center FB page on Sundays at 1:30pm CDT.

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