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Group ear acupuncture treatment

ear acupuncture model, textbook and acupuncture needles

What happens at a group ear acupuncture treatment?

Attendees are treated in a group, sitting up in chairs, fully clothed. An acupuncturist will place up to five small, sterilized disposable needles into specific sites on each attendee’s ear. The recipients sit quietly in a group setting for 20-30 minutes.

Attendees will need to fill out consent forms provided by Amy prior to receiving acupuncture. If someone does not want to receive acupuncture, they can still sit with and benefit from the group.

What benefits will the attendees notice?

Attendees may notice the following benefits from the treatment:

• Increased calmness and less agitation,

• Relief from stress and emotional trauma,

• Better sleep, and

• A discovery of inner quiet and strength.

It is also a general balancing treatment.

What are advantage of group ear acupuncture treatments using this protocol?

The benefit to the group is larger than the benefit would be if each attendee were treated individually. “Our bodies contain an autonomic mechanism to mimic or unite with a pulse greater than our own – speeding up or slowing down to sync up with a stronger external rhythm. This concept is called ‘entrainment,” explains Frank Lipman, M.D.

This protocol does not require any talking. Talking can be hard if you feel embarrassed about your feelings, aren’t ready to put your feelings into words, or aren’t even aware you are experiencing them. This protocol is also effective even when there are language barriers.

What are participants from previous group treatments saying?

I can’t believe how good I slept! I’m ready to go again!Karla Brewer

Amy, never did I think sticking 5 needles in my ear would help me sleep so soundly…thanks so much!” Michael Cho

“I actually slept through the night. Usually my eyes open on their own at 2am but I actually woke up at 4:55am – which made me very happy. Felt very rested.” Rachel Canning

“Feel calm and great peace of mind this morning. Just went for a run and it felt easy!” Andrea Godfread Brown

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